What’s the best diet?
If you've tried many diet plans and still haven't reached your weight loss goal, you know the truth. Most diets fail in the long run. According to the review of the diet studies, although weight loss is observed during the diet process, regaining the lost weight (even more than the starting weight) after the diet is ended is an inevitable result.
So, How to lose weight?
There's something it isn't clearly perceived, losing weight doesn't serve only one valid goal for everyone. Getting lean for a while like sport event, summer and wedding is a different goal and different plan of action as well as a different condition than fat loss for a long term.
Scheme of the fat loss
First, understanding the weight loss process would be helpful. We have a seesaw, one side, calories eaten and the other, calories burned. Fat loss is an outcome of the calorie deficit. If you ask, what is a calorie deficit, is consuming fewer calories than you burned. Eating food is a known way to consume calories, for the burning we have four ways:
1. Resting Energy Expenditure: The calories your body’s burning while you do nothing. Basic energy expenses like heart-beating.
2. Exercise Activity Thermogenesis: The calories you burn by exercising.
3. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis: The calories you burn from simple activities like sitting, standing.
4. Thermic Effect of Food: The calories your body burns while digesting foods.
All of this total 2,500 calories burned, and let’s say that everything you ate is 3,000 calories. It means you have a 500-calorie surplus that you must burn to not gain weight. Differently, you ate 2000 calories that day means 500 calorie deficit.
So, you’ll lose 1 pound (0.45 kg) per week. It is an adequate target to stay healthy while losing weight. It is pretty simple, however, you shouldn’t miss that as you get lean, calories you burn will decrease.
This is Metabolic Adaption. So, 500 calorie deficit may not be enough after a month. Because when you reduce the calories you eat, you reduce the calories you burn. Therefore, you should increase the calorie deficit gap or accept the fact weight loss process may go slower than you want.

Sustain the caloric deficit to lose weight
For the having satisfying outcomes, you need to follow the three very important steps.
1. Caloric deficit to pursue fat loss.
2. Exercise to strengthen the muscles.
3. Eat Protein to support a healthy diet and muscles.
0.7 or 1 gram (or 1.6-2.2g/kg) of protein for per pound of body weight is a good proportion to consume. People want to lose all over weight in a short term, but it is an obviously unreasonable demand. Huge calorie crash diets cause to lose muscles and eventually regain the weight. Those diets would create a great desire for junk foods and eating everything in a little while as well as poor sleep, tiredness, and depression.
Best way to get lean and stay lean
There are a few ways for you to reach your getting fit goal to help you maintain it for a long term.
Diet slowly and longer, with this strategy you feel barely in the diet. Science says that 0.5 or 1 percent of your body weight should be your aim to lose. So it is 1-2 lbs. per week for 200 lbs. Basically, cutting the 20 pounds takes 10–20 weeks eventually.
It is okay to have some cheat times during your weight loss path. More important, to sustain it without losing all achieves. Don’t be so harsh to yourself, don’t however be stuck in the cheat meals. These little breaks will help you to maintain your diet without struggle. 20 percent calorie deficit is reasonable to maintain this progress healthily. If you do not want to track calories, you can focus on tracking your body weight while choosing common-sense lower-calorie foods. Some people have better results with intermittent fasting instead of some who tracking macros to relieve stress to what to eat.
You should consider your conditions and be realistic to whatever you want to reach is possible or not. For men, it is not realistic to anticipate maintaining the 5 percent body fat. Set the goal to maintain body fat between 10 and 20 percent while considering your age, body type and how long you can comfortably continue. For women, a realistic range is between 18 and 28 percent body fat. Often it is impossible to go lower.
Mix the habits, mixing habits may help you to sustain them longer. For an example, most of the people doesn’t like the cardio or cooking, so you can watch or listen something you love while doing it.
Also, when you feel hungry on nights, you can change the hunger with a different type of stress relievers like video games, books. This encourages you to keep doing some boring habits and keep dieting. Eventually you’ll reach your lean goal. Then, it is better to have a plan for it too.
Maintain low fat percentage, after the diet most of the people back to old eating habit again with that motivation. To prevent from that mistake, you need a plan. Frankly, you don’t have to be so strict about your calorie intake anymore. It is unnecessary and back as a steady hunger.
Instead, go to your current calorie maintenance and increase it gradually. This process also boosts your metabolism. Thus, it will improve your training performance. Keep tracking of your body weight once in a few weeks will help for long term weight maintenance.
Following a healthy, reasonable and science-based diet is the most effective way to get in shape. So, before you start your fitness journey, find the best diet plan that works for you or contact a professional to help you to reach a fit body.
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